Marc de Gautret

Cours particuliers avec Marc d (Paris - 75014)

Ma description :
New Yorkais Expert en Communication vous aide à booster votre anglais pour une portée et un impact accrus ➙ Ensemble, développons vos compétences linguistiques et travaillons au perfectionnement de vos atouts => cours en ligne

Because I have a true passion pour la langue anglaise and I will make my passion come to life for you, not just as a trainer, but more as an imparter, one who shares and communicates, who will show you how to use English as a communication tool, tout en y prenant grand plaisir.

Because together we can explore the logic, images, rhythms and sounds of the English language for improved comprehension and restitution pour que la langue, au fil du temps, devienne intuitivement vôtre.

Because my approach is simple, straight forward and non-tool dependent, and because I will tailor it to your wants and needs, quels qu’ils soient. Et parce que je parle couramment français, we can save precious time when complex explanations are required et que certaines différences culturelles sont à prendre en considération.

Because I understand where you come from and where you need and want to go; and because I will show you something you were never taught in school: how to use French& Latin to get to English => understand the history and evolution of the language to better apprehend its contemporary use, et en comprendre les nuances au-delà d’une simple étude grammaticale.

With my help vous ferez de réels progrès because you will quickly:
➙ develop confidence (dispose of your fears, anxieties and inhibitions),
➙ build on your existing skills for best effect (anchor your knowledge and expand it),
➙ increase your word-power for meaning and impact.
So let us discover together the nuances and subtleties of the English language; let me guide you through its complexities and share the rich and fun experiences that will help you feel perfectly comfortable in any given situation.

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